About Me

My photo
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

I work as a casual sales assistant at Just Jeans

Completed Secondary Education at A.B. Paterson College

In the process of achieving Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Arts at Griffith University, currently hoping to major in Marketing and Public Relations

• Snowboarding... my newest hobby
• Working at Just Jeans (yes, i enjoy working... sadly!)
• Going out with mates every chance I get

Most awesome experiences that I can mention on a public website:
• EUROTRIP and China for 3 weeks... including the Rugby World Cup Finals in Paris and Oktoberfest!
• Having a 70people-strong 18th Birthday Party
• Snowboarding at Thredbo
• Schoolies ‘06

I am looking forward to...
• More Travelling (Kuala Lumpur and Singapore hopefully)
• Big Day Out '09

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Week 8: Knowledge for the Future


Microsoft word is not only imperative during the completion of my university degree but also when I enter my future career after university. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the application and its functions are essential; especially with technology becoming ever-more predominant in today’s society.

Were there any problems?
There were several tasks which I had previously used more complex solutions to complete or have not yet encountered at all.

Double Spacing: I was unaware that Microsoft word had the ability to manipulate double spacing and had previously done it manually.

Track Changes: This is a fantastic means of drafting work. Some of my teachers used this method in High School to express changes which should be made and I was never aware of how they implemented it. This will be useful to me in also drafting my own work; rather than crazily highlighting and using different coloured fonts as I previously did.

Mail Merge: If only I knew this technique 2 years ago whilst job hunting! This is such an easy solution to writing multiple copies of letters, such as resumes, for various recipients. The management of each copy is also simplified; rather than having to update several different copies of the same letter all the changes are made at once. In business this will be essential to ensure time efficiency when completing tasks, such as sending out the same letter to multiple recipients or addressing staff members directly when sending internal office mail – making the letters appear more profession and adding a ‘personal touch’.

What were your solutions?
To solve any problems I encountered, being the tasks I was unaware of how to complete, I turned to Microsoft word’s help section for insight. If this had failed to answer my query, however, I could also ring the Griffith University Help-Desk on 55555 or visit Microsoft Office on the web (there is a link to this under the Help menu in Word)

Did you find it too simple, or was it confusing?
Overall I found the task simple. I have had vast experience using Microsoft word in the past so I had previously explored many of the aspects which the exercise focused on. For those tasks which I had previously used more complex solutions to complete or have not yet encountered at all, the new techniques were not difficult or confusing. This is probably not because the tasks were not challenging but perhaps Microsoft Word is just a very simple program to use which can produce complex results.

Can you see how this software might be useful to you?
Yes, yes i can see how it would be useful to me.



Not enough? Okie dokie:

Comparing the files “JobLetterDraft1.doc” and “JobLetterMerged.doc”, it is obvious how the techniques explored in this task have enhanced the letter to not only make it appear more professional but also allow for easy sending to multiple persons. Beyond university, applications such as the mail merge and double spacing will make my resume appear more profession whilst job hunting and I will also be able to deliver it to more companies and increase my chances of finding a job. In the workforce I will be able to address other companies or employees with ease.

Microsoft Excel is a key application for data management for both individuals and companies of all sizes. It allows users to not only store vast quantities of figures but also easily perform calculations, enter formula and visually graph the data to enhance the analysis of information. While many businesses rely of Microsoft Excel for management purposes and it is likely that I will encounter this program in the workforce, Excel can also be beneficial to me personally in terms of tracking personal finances.

Were there any problems?
I had never used borders on cells or tables in Excel before, but while this was new to me it did not cause any difficulties.

The macro task was also very new to me, however the instructions were clear and I managed to complete the task. I am unsure of how to rename the new taskbar icon, however, and they all still state “Custom Menu Item”. I did consult the Excel help menu and Google with my query but I was unable to find a solution. So for the record;
Button 1 = Gains
Button 2 = Losses
Button 3 = Gains & Losses

What were your solutions?
I found the instruction of saving, closing and re-opening my work after each step to be a bit pointless, so instead I simply used “Save As” to save a second copy of my work under a different file name. I did use Google and the help section when I encountered problems and I was only unable to find a solution on one occasion.

Did you find it too simple, or was it confusing?
I had encountered font formatting while using both Microsoft Word and Excel previously, so I found this component to be quite simple. Entering formulas and dragging the corner of the cell to fill the subsequent cells was also a feature I had used previously, but being a key use of Microsoft Excel I found the chance to refresh my memory to be useful. I did encounter difficulties with the Macro task but I persevered and only a minor error remains with the button names.

Can you see how this software might be useful to you?
Now that I am aware that the task bar is customisable, my thoughts on Microsoft Excel have extended beyond that of simply data management, calculations and graphs. A whole new programming component has now been opened up. If the macros can be used for equations and data sorting then a business could rely on particular buttons to act as a program within a program and complete tasks. This knowledge will be extremely beneficial beyond university in a workplace environment.

Presuming that you are a user of MSN, or other IM programs (or have used it before, or at least know about it)...

Besides the obvious differences (such as ActiveWorlds is 3D and MSN isn't, etc) what are the qualitative differences between the regular IM program and a 3D environment?
The 3D environment makes the interaction between users a lot more personal; you can see them, but is only a characterised interpretation of them that is not always accurate. Also the use of motions and actions while socialising within 3D environments allows moods to be portrayed in a much more realistic way in comparison to MSN’s image “emoticon” equivalent. The potential for deeper bonding and connections between users is present in virtual worlds because they are able to explore and share experiences together in a similar way to the real world. Whereas on chat programs like MSN users’ relationships are founded on text.

What is different about the kinds of socialising that happens in these spaces?
Rather than just words on a screen, a greater interaction takes place between users on these virtual spaces. They can use facial expressions and actions to portray emotion and express themselves. Characters can form deeper connections through sharing experiences within the virtual world.

Does the 3D aspect make much difference? In other words, are there things that are possible in one space that are not possible in the other?

The 3D aspect makes the virtual world and the user’s interaction with it seem more realistic. Any similarities between our own world and the virtual world in increase its realism. As the old saying goes: “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Chat programs such as MSN and text in general can be used to describe our emotions and actions but it cannot compare to viewing them in a virtual world as we would in reality. It may be possible, but not practical, to use vast amounts of text to explain a feeling or mood but a simple image (provided by a 3D environment) can provide sufficient detail.

As previously mentioned, users of MSN are limited to a white screen and text. Participants in virtual worlds can explore are share experiences together, thus forming connections and bonds to other users the same way we do in the real world.

Could you think of where this sort of application might lead us?
I think that eventually virtual reality applications could be used to connect those who are currently separated by distance in the real world. Basically a virtual reality that mimics our own world could be used to enhance our existence in real life. Education can take place in virtual classrooms, business can be performed within the virtual reality, potential layouts of buildings and other various structures can be trialled in a virtual form before construction commences in real life, and many other possibilities exist. As the internet is to us today, I believe that virtual worlds could become an essential part of our day-to-day lives, and other renowned applications such as the internet could be remodelled based upon a virtual reality platform.

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