About Me

My photo
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

I work as a casual sales assistant at Just Jeans

Completed Secondary Education at A.B. Paterson College

In the process of achieving Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Arts at Griffith University, currently hoping to major in Marketing and Public Relations

• Snowboarding... my newest hobby
• Working at Just Jeans (yes, i enjoy working... sadly!)
• Going out with mates every chance I get

Most awesome experiences that I can mention on a public website:
• EUROTRIP and China for 3 weeks... including the Rugby World Cup Finals in Paris and Oktoberfest!
• Having a 70people-strong 18th Birthday Party
• Snowboarding at Thredbo
• Schoolies ‘06

I am looking forward to...
• More Travelling (Kuala Lumpur and Singapore hopefully)
• Big Day Out '09

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Week 13: Final Curtain Call

Wow, I guess time flies when you’re having fun! Week 13 already… time for my final blog entry.

What did I learn?
During this semester through my participation in this course, New Communication Technologies, I learnt how technology was initially introduced into society, the crucial role it plays today and predictions of its significance in the future. This was done through many mediums; class discussions, literature, film, internet exploration and documentaries- just to name a few.

What did I like?
I enjoyed the Virtual Reality component of this course above all others. The idea of living an enhanced yet unrealistic lifestyle online and being able to interact with users on an international scale has such great potential for the future. Education, business and lifestyles in general could all one day be significantly impacted by the virtual realm; that is why my essay focussed on the potential of virtual worlds for real-world businesses. As in the film eXistenZ, perhaps technology and medical experts can unite to free virtual reality from the confines of computer screens, discovering how it can be accessed directly through our bodies to provide a more realistic experience.

What did I dislike?
I am sorry to say it, but I wasn't fond of the readings for this course. Although very informative, several were not directly relevant to today's technological environment because the theories put forward were constructed so long ago. Additionally, they were all quite lengthy. This meant there was a greater amount of important content within each; however I feel the points made directly within the readings could have been condensed to leave a greater amount of time for analysis of each and relating them back to our key topic of New Communication Technologies.

I also believe that each of our readings/weekly topics needs to be related back to our course more specifically and frequently. With other courses I find that the information we’re given is built upon each week and is all focussed around a central topic, whereas I felt the topics covered in this course were all vastly different. It was difficult to grasp the direction the course was taking and what our overall learning goal was =S

What was easy?
I found the weekly tutorial tasks to be quite easy. This was not necessarily a bad thing, however. I had previously encountered many of the programs and topics explored in tutorials so I had a foundation of prior knowledge to build upon. These activities not only gave me a chance to familiarise myself with the skills and wisdom which I had previously forgotten, but also pick up a few extra abilities along the way.

What was difficult/confusing?
I found the ideas put forward by Walter Benjamin in his “Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” to be quite confusion, and required a great deal of time for me to get my head around. The concept of the ‘aura’ was not too difficult to understand. I feel I have even experienced this during my visit to Europe, when I was able to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Although it was a bit smaller than I had previously imagined, it did have an essence of some sort. I had unconsciously acknowledged the history that painting had experienced and endured to survive until today, but I’d never really considered it as an aspect of ‘aura’.

Considering whether digital artworks could still have an aura kept me puzzled all semester! After some detailed thought I concluded that by today’s standards digital art can have an aura, because it still represents an element of human creativity just as physical artworks do.

The photoshopping element to art and imagery also left me dumbfounded. But once an image is photoshopped it is no authentic in comparison to the original because it is an entirely new creation. Therefore, by the definition of art found in Week 5, it also has the capability to develop an aura.

What new abilities did I gain?
I gained many new abilities throughout the semester from participating in this course. I have a greater understanding of the internet and the role technology in general plays in present and future society. I also understand that technology can be both our friend and foe. If humans and technology are able to co-exist peacefully we could live in a near Utopian environment, whereas if humanity loses control and technology dominates our culture will fall into Dystopia.

I would like to thank our lecturer Stephen Stockwell and my tutor Adam Muir. I have learnt a great deal this semester and this knowledge will not only help me during university but in the workforce and beyond.

In conclusion, thanks for all your help and support.


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